How can you supercharge your own stem cells? This procedure yields a much more pure and higher concentration of platelets then is normally found in bedside machine made platelet rich plasma. Platelets contain healing growth factors and based on our in-vitro lab data, getting more of them to an area can help your ownstem cells be more active.
There are times when the physician wants all of the growth factors contained in platelets immediately available to the area to prompt healing. In addition, there are areas of the body where using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) may cause too much inflammation. As a result, our Regenerative Medicine team uses the procedure to crack open the platelets to allow all of the growth factors to be immediately available to your body.
PROLOTHERAPY, aka, Regenerative Injection Treatment (RIT)
Proliferation Injection Therapy, or Prolotherapy is the surgical injection procedure used to stimulate natural healing. These injections are placed into the targeted damaged tissue areas and promote a “proliferative” response by encouraging the body’s immune system to flood into the area and trigger the natural healing cascade.
Percutaneous Needle Tenotomy (PNT)
Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Needle Tenotomy (PNT) is a procedure where a needle is advanced through the skin, under the direct visual guidance of using Ultrasound, to make small holes and slices in a tendon. This is done in order to treat tendinopathy and its tendon-related pain via causing microtrauma and breaks in the scar tissue.