Orthopedic Care
Specializing in musculoskeletal injuries, which affect the bones, joints, ligaments, nerves, and tendons in the body
Providing services such as sports physicals (pre-season, pre-participation physical exams), exercise prescription, concussion management, sports/orthopedic injury evaluation & management, diagnostics, in-house manual therapy.
“Orthopedic Medicine” is a medical sub-specialty devoted to the evaluation, diagnosis, and non-operative treatment of musculoskeletal pain, injury, and disease. Some consider Orthopedic Medicine to be the Medical counterpart to Orthopedic Surgery, much like a Cardiologist is to a CardioThoracic Surgery, utilizing non-surgical diagnostic and treatment regimens to work towards patient cures. According to the “Father of Orthopedic Medicine”, the late Dr. James Cyriax, the birth of Orthopedic Medicine took place in 1929.
Bio-identical hormones are not synthetic hormones, but natural, organic, and plant derived. If you are living with chronic, unmanageable pain from facet syndrome or spinal arthritis, this injection approach offers both a quick resolution and long term relief. Growth hormone is responsible for cell regeneration and reproduction. Originating in the pituitary gland and secreted into the bloodstream, growth hormone interacts with tissues in the body. A procedure where a needle is advanced through the skin, under the direct visual guidance of using Ultrasound, to make small holes and slices in a tendon. An injection procedure that encourages the body’s own natural healing cascade to repair damaged tissue. Proliferation Injection Therapy is the surgical injection procedure used to stimulate natural healing. The SI joint injection have a dual, diagnostic and therapeutic, purpose that allows the physician to confirm that irritation or damage to the SI joint is the source of your symptoms and also offer significant pain relief. Viscosupplementation could be considered in patients who have persistent pain despite the use of conservative therapy or other sypmtoms.
Epidural/Caudal Steroid Injections
Facet Joint Injections
Growth Hormone Supplementation
Percutaneous Needle Tenotomy
Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
Sacroiliac Joint Injection
Viscosupplementation Injections